My wine consumption is usually limited to leaning against the kitchen counter and finishing bottles of Three-buck Chuck (with some help) while I'm cooking with it. I've been meaning to learn more about it and possibly develop slightly more sophisticated drinking habits but it's been slow going. But not only is help on the way for the clueless and thirsty, it's for a good cause. Mount Pleasant Mainstreet is holding a wine tasting at Marx Cafe on March 18 from 7-9. Proceeds will benefit residents of an apartment building on Mt. Pleasant Street that went up in flames on March 12. While you're at it, you can drop off donations of food and clothing for the building's residents at Neighbors' Consejo at 3118 16th St. And what better way to take advantage of your resulting acquired taste and good karma? Some shiny new wineglasses from the shiny new Target.
Marx Cafe is located at 3203 Mt Pleasant St. RSVP to .